Monday, August 30, 2010

817 Vernon Street

Style: Late Victorian Domestic
Constructed: 1914

The first Assessment Records for the City of Nelson were created in 1898.

1898 07 March 1898
Lot 16: $550.00
Lot 17: $550.00
Owner: Columbia Kootenay Rail and Navigation Company

Lot 16: $800.00
Lot 17: $800.00
Owner: Columbia Kootenay Rail and Navigation Company

There is a reference to an agreement to purchase by John Svoboda.

Lot 16: $800.00
Lot 17: $800.00
Owner John Svoboda

It appears the property was purchased sometime after the assessment date in 1913 and the house completed after the 1914 assessment date. The Plumbing Permit shows a Final Inspection date of 05 June 1914.

1915 - 1918
Lot 16: $800.00
Lot 17: $800.00
House: $2500.00

I could find next to nothing on the early years of this house. It does not appear that Mr. Svoboda lived in it for any length of time. It may have been constructed as a revenue property.The 1899 Fire Insurance Map indicates the empty lots where the house now sits. The 1923 Fire Insurance Map shows the house as it appeared at that time.

Mr. Svoboda was a resident in the City in 1901 as he appears in the 1901 Henderson’s B.C. Gazetteer and Directory. He died in California.